Moving to the Beat of God's Drum

on Sunday, May 3, 2009

"At just the right time, I will respond to you." - Isaiah 49:8 (NLT)

Just as there's a rhythm to your physical life, there's one to your
spiritual life. And God is the producer; He determines the beat. God
has a set time for all that He does. Sometimes, He moves suddenly.
But usually, He has to prepare you for the changes He has in mind.
Often, He'll start by loosening your grip on things that rival Him for
first-place in your life (i.e. a career that provides security, a
relationship you're too invested in, a side interest you've considered
a non-negotiable, etc.). Once you understand that He's the one who
gave you the passion to pursue those interests in the first place, it
clicks! These things will never be completely fulfilling, if God's
not factored into them. Thus, the desire for change starts to
takes root!

Then, comes the waiting period. Why do we have to wait? Because it
takes time for change to produce the maximum benefit. During that
time, God:

(a) Begins dealing with you about your past so it does not pollute
your future;
(b) Expands your knowledge so you're better prepared;
(c) Develops your character to look more like Jesus.

Even though God says, ". . . I, the LORD, will bring it all to pass at
the right time" (Isaiah 60:22), we don't appreciate His timing until
after the dust has settled. One thing, however, is certain. When you
allow God to work out His plan on His schedule, you get only His best.
And remember, it's easier to know when to move if you stay in step
with God and hear the beat. That sometimes means turning a deaf ear
to the clamor of the outside world or the advice of well-intentioned


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