If You Plan To . . .

on Thursday, April 9, 2009

"For when you die, I will raise up one of your descendants, and I will
make his kingdom strong." - 2 Samuel 7:12 (NLT)

Solomon says, "The memory of the righteous will be a blessing"
(Proverbs 10:7). So, how will you be remembered? Whatever your
story, you're writing it now. Don't get the wrong idea; I am not
referring to dying so much as I am talking about living.

Here are five things that will remain when you go:

1. Your investments for Christ in people: therefore you must increase
your spiritual deposits.

2. Your prayers will live forever before God's throne: therefore you
must pray more, and pray for the generations that may follow you.

3. Your life's story may live on to inspire others: therefore you must
live to the fullest God's script of faithfulness, excellence and

4. Your giving can enable your local church to reach your community,
cause a mission's school to thrive, a Christian station to be
supported, or a lost loved one to be reached: therefore you must give,
and give sacrificially so that the harvest you reap will far outlive
the seeds you have sown.

5. Your children will carry your physical and spiritual DNA:
therefore, you must know that they walk with God, and that your faith
will live on through your children and grandchildren to touch future

You can touch the future for good and for God, but only if you plan to!


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