Decisions, decisions, decisions . . .

on Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of
wisdom." - Psalm 90:12 (NAS)

John Wooden, UCLA's Hall of Fame basketball coach, said: "Too often we
get distracted by what's outside our control. The door to the past
has been shut and the key thrown away. And you can't do anything
about tomorrow; it is yet to come. However, tomorrow is determined by
what you do today. So make today a masterpiece."

Two ingredients are necessary to do that: sound decision-making
ability and the discipline to follow through. One is worthless
without the other. Time is an equal opportunity employer, but how we
treat time is not equal. For example, give a block of marble to the
average person and you end up with someone standing there with a block
of marble! But put it into the hands of an expert sculptor and watch
what happens. First, he decides what it's capable of becoming. Next,
he draws a plan. Then, he practices the disciplines of his craft
until it's transformed into a masterpiece. How? By recognizing and
releasing the potential within it.

Too many of us fail to acknowledge that our lack of success stems from
poor decision-making! We make choices, experience negative
consequences and keep wondering why we can't get ahead. Others know
their choices are not good for them, but make them anyway. That's
like an alcoholic who continues to drink or the person who
intentionally engages in one bad relationship after another. Nobody
said good decisions come easy, but they're necessary to success.
That's why David writes, "Teach us to number our days, that we may
present to You a heart of wisdom."


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