How much do you really care?

on Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor..." - Ephesians 4:25 NKJV

Even when it's spoken in love, the truth can still create tension.
That's why some people will do anything to avoid confrontation. It's
also why our relationships die on the vine. Following the path of
least resistance makes rivers (and people) lose their way because:

1. The problem always resurfaces;
2. Untreated, it gets worse;
3. Disappointment infects the relationship;
4. Unexpressed anger leads to bitterness;
5. Our love grows cold

Avoiding confrontation means failing to use the tools God's given us
to restore harmony. "Peace at any price" is a tactic of satan.
Anytime you care enough to confront somebody, he'll whisper, "Why
bother? It'll just make trouble. It'll sort itself out." If you
heed satan's lies, you'll kill the relationship for sure.

The Bible says, "If your brother sins show him his fault in private;"
(Matthew 18:15 NAS). That can mean saying, "I love you too much to
stand by while you work yourself to death, or ruin your health through
lack of exercise and bad eating habits, or settle for too little."
Or, "I care too much about our relationship to let it fizzle out."

Speaking the truth in love means taking a risk that requires two
fundamental convictions. One: that honesty is more important than
avoiding conflict. Two: that the other person's well-being is more
important than their comfort level. The reason God says, "Speak the
truth," is because any other approach just destroys relationships.

Is there somebody you need to talk to today? If so, pray, and then do it!

Edifying, Encouraging & Enlightening,AGospelPreacha


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